Current Event



PostNatal is a group show ft artists Lauren McLaughlin (@laurenlifeartandstuff), Emma O’Brien (@emmaobrien2016), Rebecca Livesey-Wright (@rebeccor_blimey), Charmaine Beneyto (@charmainebeneyto), Yvonne E.Maxwell (@yvonne.emaxwell).

Exploring the complex interplay between trauma, healing, domesticity, and matrescence—the profound physical, emotional, and psychological transformation experienced in the postnatal journey of becoming mother— PostNatal considers this transition not just as a biological passage but as a deeply creative and transformative process, often marked by pain and rupture alongside the resilience and healing that emerges.

This presentation enquires the often-overlooked narratives of (m)otherhood, reclaiming them as vital, raw, and profoundly human.

Lewisham Arthouse
17-26 January
Private View: Thursday 16th Jan 6-9PM

Special parent/ carer + child viewing and artist talk
Friday 24th January 2PM


For more information

Artwork by @emmaobrien2016