Postcard Drawing Quilt Workshop

Thursday 19th May
Image credit: Dan Weill

Exploring the idea of ‘home’ with artists Euphrosyne Andrews and Seungwon Jung

Date / Thursday 19th May
Time / 6:00 – 7:00pm
Venue / Lewisham Art House Workshop

Developing themes from their fantastic exhibition ‘Drifting Terrain’ at KCCUK, artists Euphrosyne Andrews and Seungwon Jung will lead a workshop at Lewisham Arthouse exploring the idea of ‘home’. All participants will be given a blank postcard to draw and write their ideas of ‘home’. At the end of the workshop there will be an open discussion, sharing ideas and making the postcards into a patchwork quilt.

Drifting Terrain is currently showing at KCCUK and presents new works from three Lewisham based artists, commissioned by the Korean Cultural Centre UK. Working in collaboration with Lewisham Arthouse the exhibition celebrates Lewisham’s designation as the London Borough of Culture 2022. The exhibition is rooted in a sense of place, firstly connecting the localities of Lewisham and the KCCUK on the Embankment but secondly in more subtle and complex ways representing different communities and cultural codes. For more information please visit:

The workshop is free and open to everyone but we’re hoping families/young children can join us too.

Sign up here!