Application Deadline 30th June 6pm
[toggle]Image: above, Studio F13 (Sublet*), below article Studio G2 (Permanent) [/toggle]
We have two studio’s available, one a sublet for six months and the other a permanent space; a rare opportunity to become a member of Lewisham Arthouse. Please note that the sublet will not be part of the Arthouse membership. Both studios will be available from 1st August 2016:
1 x Studio G2 (permanent), 121 sq ft- £65.50 per month
1 x Studio F13 (6 month sublet) 93sq ft – £52 per month
If you are interested in taking up either studio please follow the application procedure below.
Application procedure for each studio (please indicate which studio/s are of interest):
– A statement (no more than 500 words) outlining your practice and areas of interest and an indication of how you wish to use this opportunity.
– A statement (no more than 350 words) highlighting what you could contribute and how the cooperative would work for you. For further information on how Studio Members are selected go to:
– CV (no more than 2 sides of A4).
– Equal opportunities form – click to download here (word .doc).
– CD with up to ten images or for time-based work DVD (pieces or excerpts should be no longer than 5 minutes).
– Corresponding list of titles, media and dimensions should be included (please do not send originals).
– Two references.
Please post your applications to:
Lewisham Arthouse
140 Lewisham Way
London SE14 6PD.
Deadline to apply: Sunday 30th June 2016, 6pm.
Shortlisted Applicants will be contacted for interview shortly after this date.
For further information contact:
*Please note that the sublet will not be part of the Arthouse membership.
Shortlisted Applicants will be contacted for interview shortly after this date.
Please note that due to the high number of applications we will not be contacting those who are not shortlisted and will be unable to offer feedback.